Ebike Electric Bike

Central Coast - NSW

   | OBZ Online Business Zone

Ebike Electric Bike

January 11, 2023

Ebikes Electric Bike Central Coast NSW

Ebikes are taking off here on the Central Coast NSW.
Ebikes are fun, easy to run and maintain.
Ebikes can be charged thousands of times before replacing the battery. An average Ebike can run up to 100kms on a single charge, a single charge can cost as little as 0.30 cents on your electricity bill.
You can easily get an Ebike for less than $1,000.
Ebikes are a great option for commuting.

Ebike rules do apply for onroad use, the maximum is a 250w motor or max speed of 25km/h,
Anything over 250w is illegal for onroad/public use.

For more information on Ebikes and where to find them, simply search here for a local distributor.


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